According to Major Senzer of Zone 2, “the restaurants and clubs that have become the epicenters of citizen complaints and that are suspected of operating outside of their licenses are continuing to be addressed”. They are currently working with the License and Permit Unit, along with the City Solicitor’s office to investigate any violations. Club Eleven45 is among those being investigated, so please call 911 to report anything pertaining to these clubs. The more documented complaints the easier for them to continue to push for closure! There is also discussion on the feasibility of creating an ordinance that would give the Chief of Police the authority to close an establishment while investigating incidents of violence connected to that establishment. Chicago is one city that has this ordinance already in place.
Zone 2 Update Re: Nearby Restaurants and Clubs
By|2021-03-18T02:12:36+00:00March 18th, 2021|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Zone 2 Update Re: Nearby Restaurants and Clubs