Thanks for joining our recent Annual Membership Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 29th! We appreciate all of your support and great questions. In the essence of time, we were not able to address all of the questions that were prior submitted. We have just emailed the follow up responses to those questions, so be on the lookout! Additionally, you will note in one of the responses that we have uploaded the most recent Beltline Construction Update Powerpoint presentation, named NETrailConstuction-UpdateBH.pdf, in the Files on our website. We have added a red line to Slide 14 to show the likely access point to Peachtree Hills, which would run along Peachtree Hills Place and connect onto Peachtree Hills Avenue.
Follow Up Q&A to Annual Membership Meeting
By|2020-10-02T21:08:32+00:00October 2nd, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Follow Up Q&A to Annual Membership Meeting